NoMAD Study
The NoMAD study developed a 23 item instrument for measuring implementation processes from the perspective of professionals directly involved in the work of implementing complex interventions in healthcare. The 20 core construct items organised by NPT construct can be viewed. The full instrument can be downloaded here. Publications are available that report the development and validation of NoMAD.
The aim of NoMAD was to develop an instrument containing implementation assessment items reflecting the constructs of NPT, and to validate it in a range of settings where complex interventions were being implemented. A full description of the study protocol can be found here.
The development methods included several iterative rounds of item generation, consensus workshops, cognitive (‘think aloud’) interviews, item quality appraisal and theory validation by expert critique.
A 46 item instrument was tested through surveys of participants implementing six different implementation projects, resulting in 831 survey responses for validation analyses.
The final 23 item instrument was achieved through analysis of psychometrics and other information about response patterns, and agreed by the project team using item ranking and consensus methods.
Here is some guidance on how to use the NoMAD instrument.
NoMAD is now also available in translated versions for Albanian, Dutch, Danish, French, Spanish, German and Italian on the ImpleMentAll study website, and in Swedish by completing a contact enquiry through this website.
Citing NoMAD
The NoMAD instrument should be cited with reference to the publications in BMC Medical Research Methodology, linked to from this page.